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Watashi Ni XX Shinasai!, di Tooyama Ema

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'm o m o mallow,
view post Posted on 1/7/2009, 16:49 by: 'm o m o mallow,

La trama non l'ho capita molto bene,in partica c'è questa ragazza,Himuro Yukina,che è molto isolata perchè ha un'aspetto molto spaventoso....tranne che con sua cugina Akira.Poi conosce un ragazzo...e pare che abbiano dei "segreti"..non le so tradurre molto bene le trame scusatemi ^^''
Eccola in inglese la trama,guardate se riuscite a capirci qualcosa:

Himuro Yukina always wished to be normal like the other girls. Sadly, her eyes are too sharp and her skin is too cold that most people in school, except her cousin Akira, are so afraid, that they think they got a death glare. Yukina is actually a cell phone novelist in the name of Yupina. Sadly, with no human contact, Yukina can't really write more love in her novels. Kitami Shigure, your so-called "ordinary bishounen", which is really a womanizer, has fallen in Yukina's trap and they end up dating for the sakes of their secrets.

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3 replies since 1/7/2009, 16:49   1272 views